
Rigorous planning and decision-making processes will enable government and industry to build high-value infrastructure projects that are delivered efficiently, on time and within budget.

This will support businesses to produce and transport goods efficiently, improve productivity and deliver new investment that grows the economy.  

We believe Western Australia must plan and deliver infrastructure projects that provide the most economic benefit for the State.

We’re working for

  • Advocating for government to deliver high-value infrastructure projects through good planning and decision-making processes, supported by well-designed procurement and contracting practices.
  • Ensuring industry has access to the skills and resources it requires to deliver high-value infrastructure projects.
  • Supporting good practice in the delivery of government infrastructure projects in WA, including project management, procurement, contracting, planning and business case analysis.
  • Identifying opportunities for infrastructure funding by non-government sources, which includes the private sector.

Policy in action

Our submission on the establishment of Infrastructure Western Australia outlined how the design and operation can ensure the state’s infrastructure needs are met.

Infrastructure WA Submission