CCIWA Chief Economist
Aaron Morey
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA) welcomes today’s announcement from the State Government, which provides the business community with more certainty on the transition towards a cleaner energy future. There will be significant state investments in renewable and storage technology, as state-owned coal-fired power in the southwest electricity grid is phased out by 2030.
WA businesses understand the need for action to mitigate climate change, and it is welcome that WA’s emissions will be reduced. CCIWA has engaged closely with our members on this important issue for some time, with a consistent position recognising the need to move forward. This also reflects the expectations of stakeholders, employees, customers and investors.
At the same time, it is critical for the competitiveness of local industry that reliability is not compromised in favour of other priorities. This was a consistent and strong viewpoint of business participants in CCIWA’s surveys and workshops.
CCIWA notes the McGowan Government’s substantial reforms aimed at improving reliability of the grid in the context of increasing renewable energy use. We urge the Government to ensure reliability remains the primary focus as our State transitions away from state-owned coal fired power in the lead up to 2030.
In coming weeks, CCIWA’s further position statement on climate change policy – which includes recommendations for all levels of government to enable WA businesses to capitalise on the strategic and commercial opportunities presented by decarbonisation – will be released.
Media contact: Thomas Adolph – 0427 876 846