Work Health and Safety Services

Work Health and Safety Services

Sign up to our new Workers Compensation and Injury Management Laws Fundamentals course today and learn about these important changes

From 1 July 2024, the new Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 2023 will come into effect in WA. It will impact all stakeholders throughout the Workers Compensation system. The system has been entirely overhauled and modernised.

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Tailored solutions and expert guidance

Our suite of services equips you and your business with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to foster a culture of safety, ensure compliance, and cultivate a thriving environment where your workforce can thrive without compromising on security. With our WHS services, you’ll be able to have open-ended, comprehensive safety support – no matter where you are on your WHS journey.

With a foundation rooted in expertise and a commitment to delivery, our Work Health and Safety (WHS) services will equip your business with the tools and guidance to ensure a culture of safety, compliance, and proactive risk management. Our multi-faceted team is able to provide a comprehensive suite of tailored services designed to fortify your workplace’s WHS measures.  Our services are designed by experts, to address specific aspects of WHS, catering to industries and businesses of all shapes and sizes. 

The WHS Suite – Work Health and Safety Services:

WHSWalk is where our team engage with your business to conduct comprehensive assessments and audits and uncover potential hazards while maintaining strict safety compliance. WHSWalk offers tailored solutions to enhance Work Health and Safety (WHS) performance and compliance. 

  • WHS Remote Check-up: WHS Remote Check-up offers you a guided exploration via phone or online platforms.  An enhanced Work Health and Safety review, our WHS Remote Check-up service seamlessly integrates into your corporate schedule – regardless of where your business operations are located. Through this process, we collaboratively identify gaps, and develop actionable strategies that align with the intricate needs of your operational requirements.  This refined approach bolsters WHS compliance with minimal disruption.
  • WHS Onsite Check-up: Undertake a meticulously planned journey towards WHS enhancement with our WHS Onsite Check-up.  Our team immerses themselves within your business, dedicating a comprehensive two-hour inspection to reveal areas of concern and non-compliance.  The insights garnered contribute to safety measures that are finely calibrated to the specific requisites of your business environment.  We will remain commitment to prioritising your business’s safety objectives. 

WHSDocs is where our focus is on delivering structured documentation and outlined processes to fortify your Work Health and Safety (WHS) practices. WHSDocs offers specialised services that seamlessly integrate with your WHS Management systems. 

  • WHS Management System Development:Commence your well-structured WHS journey with our WHS Management System – Development service. Our consultants will tailor a suite of policies, procedures, forms, and checklists to suit your business’s unique needs and risk profile. This bespoke WHS Management System serves as your guiding compass, aligning your WHS practices with compliance and best practices. 
  • WHS Management System – Review: Navigating the ever-evolving WHS landscape requires continuous vigilance. Our WHS Management System – Review service ensures your existing documentation remains pertinent and compliant. Our consultants meticulously evaluate documentation (of up to 150 pages), ensuring your business stays current with legal compliance and industry best practices. 
  • WHS Policies or Procedures Development: In partnership with your business’s leadership team, our consultants craft legally compliant WHS policies and procedures. We understand the importance of aligning your workplace with robust WHS regulations, and our tailored solutions ensure you meet these standards effectively. Our team will work with you to ensure our approach meets the needs of your business.  

WHSReview is where we provide detailed evaluations and enhancements of your Work Health and Safety (WHS) systems and documentation.  WHSReview is made of services that deliver valuable insights and legally compliant solutions. 

  • WHS Systems Audit – Implementation Elevate your WHS standards with our Systems Audit – Implementation service.Our experienced team conducts an in-depth systematic audit of your WHS systems, evaluating their application and performance. This independent review scrutinises WHS performance, pinpointing areas for improvement. We meticulously examine documentation, gather evidence, and conduct onsite worker interviews. This comprehensive assessment equips you with actionable strategies for enhancing WHS practices. 
  • WHS Policies & Procedures – Review Stay up-to-date with evolving WHS requirements through our WHS Policies & Procedures – Review service. In collaboration with your business’s leadership team, our consultants conduct thorough and legally compliant reviews of your general WHS workplace policies or procedures. This process ensures your documentation remains aligned with current best practices and legal mandates. 

WHSLead is where we’re able to empower you with proactive Work Health and Safety (WHS) leadership. WHSLead services are designed to integrate a systematic approach to your WHS activities. 

WHS Activity Calendar: Empower your workplace with our WHS Activity Calendar service.  In collaboration with your business’s leadership team, our consultants create a 12-month calendar that seamlessly integrates a spectrum of work health and safety activities with your current WHS objectives. This comprehensive approach ensures the effective implementation of WHS measures and proactive risk management.  Each activity strategically contributes to strengthening your WHS framework and fostering a culture of safety. 

WHSAssess is where we’re dedicated to providing you with focused, comprehensive Work Health and Safety (WHS) assessments.  WHSAssess services are designed to enhance safety, identify risks, and ensure proactive measures. 

  • WHS Workplace Inspection – Standard Inclusions Elevate your WHS standards with our WHS Workplace Inspection service. Our consultant will visit your workplace, conducting a thorough systematic inspection to identify areas of concern, non-compliance, and guide WHS improvements in the physical environment.  A comprehensive report, complete with photos and recommendations, will be provided to drive your safety efforts. 
  • WHS AssessmentsWorkstations & Ergonomics Prioritise the well-being of your workforce with our Workstation a& Ergonomic Assessments. Our consultants conduct face-to-face assessments on-site, guiding strategies and offering recommendations to mitigate risks associated with hazardous manual tasks arising from workstation use. This proactive approach enhances the ergonomic environment, promoting safety and employee comfort. 
  • WHS Risk Register: Navigate WHS risks effectively with our WHS Risk Register service.  Our specialist facilitators engage in a collaborative workshop with key internal stakeholders to develop or review a WHS Risk Register. This comprehensive assessment provides documented insights into the control of known risks, ensuring your workplace is armed with a strategic approach to WHS risk management. 

WHSTrain is where our experts provide your business with comprehensive Work Health and Safety (WHS) training solutions. WHSTrain services are designed to enhance your business’s WHS knowledge and skills, while fostering a culture of safety. 

  • WHS Training (onsite) half day:Empower your workforce with targeted WHS education through our WHS Training – On-site (half day) service. Our skilled WHS trainers tailor and deliver training to suit your work group’s specific needs, ensuring relevance and effective assimilation of WHS-related knowledge. Drawing from our extensive industry experience, we apply proven training principles and expert-level customised content.  This service is ideal for up to 15 participants and serves as a cornerstone for elevating WHS awareness. 
  • WHS Training (onsite) full day:Elevate WHS competence within your workforce with our WHS Training – On-site (full day) service. Our skilled WHS trainers customise and deliver comprehensive training to suit your worker group’s specific needs, fostering effective uptake of WHS-related education. Applying proven training principles and expert-level customised content, we ensure WHS awareness is comprehended and appreciated by your business’s stakeholders. Ideal for up to 15 participants, this service establishes a solid foundation for WHS excellence. 
  • WHS Specialist Training: Equip key internal stakeholders with advanced WHS knowledge through our WHS Specialist Training service. Our specialist facilitators conduct workshops that engage participants to develop or review a WHS Risk Register.  This process results in comprehensive documentation that assesses the control of known risks. By delving deep into WHS intricacies, this training empowers strategic risk management. 

WHSAdvantage is where our team of experts come together to equip your key internal stakeholders with advanced WHS knowledge through our WHS Specialist Training service.  Our facilitators conduct engaging workshops for participants to develop or review a WHS Risk Register. This process results in comprehensive documentation that assesses the control of known risks. By delving deep into WHS intricacies, this training empowers strategic risk management. WHSAdvantage, is, as its name suggests, a specialty service tailored to your businesses.  

  • WHS Onsite Assist: Benefit from direct, hands-on support through our WHS On-site Assist service. Implemented in 2-hour blocks, our consultants become an extension of your team, attending your site to guide, interact with key staff, and create a healthy working partnership. This approach ensures real-time support, empowering your in-house capabilities. Our WHS Practitioners (Senior & Junior) stand ready to collaborate and contribute to your WHS success.
  • WHS Consulting:Navigate complex WHS scenarios with our WHS Consulting service. Offered by the hour, our consultants join your team on-site, working closely with key staff to provide strategic guidance and foster a healthy working partnership. This collaboration extends your in-house capabilities, allowing you to tap into expert insights for WHS excellence.  Our seasoned WHS Practitioners (Senior & Junior) engage proactively to address challenges and empower your WHS endeavours. 

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