Advocating for change

Making WA the best place to live and do business

We have a track record of championing policy that will grow and diversify the economy.

For more than 130 years we have worked closely with State and Federal Governments, and other Industry bodies, to ensure our Members’ interests and the interests of the WA community are heard and top of mind.

By standing together, we amplify the voice of our stakeholders – businesses, families, consumers and the WA workforce – and bring industry and WA community concerns directly to key decision-makers.

Telling the story of WA’s economy

We provide timely, accurate and insightful analysis of the state of the WA economy. By leveraging conventional, alternative and real-time data sources, we comprehensively unpack key issues facing the global, national and state economies and form a robust view about WA’s economic future.

We share our insights with the community by providing frequent commentary on the health of WA’s economy through the various forms of traditional and digital media. We publish four key forward-looking pieces of analysis of WA’s economy:

This survey provides quarterly insights into the attitudes and sentiments of WA consumers. The report contains analysis about short- and longer-term expectations of economic conditions and the major concerns for WA households in the year ahead.

View Consumer Confidence Report

This quarterly survey is the longest running and most comprehensive business survey in WA. We publish our expert analysis of the short- and longer-term economic outlook and businesses’ expectations about issues such as capital expenditure and skills availability.

View Business Confidence Report

This report provides regional breakdowns of key results from the CCIWA Business Confidence Survey.

View Regional Pulse Report

Outlook is CCIWA’s biannual analysis of the WA economy and contains forecasts on key economic indicators, including Gross State Product, household consumption and unemployment.

View Outlook Report

How we do our policy and advocacy work

We develop and advocate for good public policy

Our vision is for WA to be the best place to live and do business.

We decide which policy issues to tackle based on their alignment with this objective. And we only take on policy issues that are of practical relevance to the WA community.

Here is how we do it.

To make sure we’re developing policy positions that ensure WA is the best place to live and do business, we listen to and work with stakeholders across the community to understand their challenges.

We engage with businesses of all sizes and across all industries to hear their concerns and identify ways to address them. We work with regional chambers, indigenous bodies and many other industry associations, here in this State and across the nation.

We regularly meet with government agencies and decision-makers to understand their perspectives. And we talk to WA individuals and families to find out how different policies and working arrangements affect them.

We engage with our stakeholders in a range of different ways to make sure we’re enabling them to share their diverse perspectives. We connect using digital tools, such as surveys and webinars, as well as face to face through meetings, round tables and workshops.

We are committed to developing principled, robust and practical policy solutions that improve the wellbeing of the WA community. We research broadly and consider different viewpoints. And we back our positions with rigorous analysis of the economic and policy landscape, leveraging conventional, alternative and real-time data sources.

Our positions on different policy issues are transparent and public. We communicate our positions in plain English. And we advocate using traditional, digital media, as well as by putting forward our views at events and other public forums.

If we are not achieving our policy objectives, we reflect, learn and change our approach.

Policy Submissions

  • All
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Efficient Regulation
  • Emerging businesses and industries
  • Environment, climate change and circular economy
  • Government
  • Industrial Relations
  • Mining
  • Skilled workforce
  • Supply chain
  • Taxes
Venture Capital