Mid West green energy powers up

WA’s renewable energy surge is running hot, with infrastructure giant APA Group ramping up construction at its $315 million Badgingarra wind farm in the Mid West.

APA has appointed Spanish wind turbine specialist Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy as the main contractor for Badgingarra’s construction, which is expected to be completed early next year.

The start of Badgingarra means that APA is moving closer to creating a 230MW wind and solar renewable energy precinct near Cervantes, about 200 kilometres north of Perth, says APA Group Executive Networks and Power Sam Pearce.

“Over 40 kilometres of access roads will be built to facilitate the delivery and installation of 37 Siemens 3.6MW wind turbines with a rotor diameter of 136 metres and hub height of 85 metres,” he says.

These are being built alongside APA’s existing Emu Downs wind farm and the recently-completed Emu Downs solar farm.

Badgingarra was approved last year after APA secured a 12-year power purchase agreement for its output and large-scale renewable energy certificates from Alinta Energy.

Pearce says Siemens and its subcontractors are engaging with local businesses for services related to the project.

He invites them to contact either Siemens or APA for more information about work opportunities.

Badgingarra is one of several new wind farms adding more puff to WA’s carbon-friendly power sources.

Energy Minister Ben Wyatt recently announced Synergy will enter a joint venture with a Dutch private sector investor to build the staged $500 million Warradarge Wind Farm, near Eneabba.

The final capacity of the farm, which can be developed up to 250MW, will be determined on completion of an EPC tendering process.

About 80 per cent of the farm will be owned by the investor but Synergy will retain operating control.

Wyatt says the joint venture is a fiscally responsible way to meet the state’s renewable energy target and create 200 construction jobs along the way.

►To read the full details on Badgingarra and expert analysis of Malcolm Turnbull’s new National Energy Guarantee policy, subscribe to WA Works magazine.

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