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What’s the latest with the IR reforms?

As we close out an eventful year in Australian employment law, CCIWA's Ryan Martin summarises some of the upcoming changes to come into force over the next few weeks (in addition to other reforms we h...

Staying ahead of the proposed privacy law changes

In September 2023, the Australian Government signalled its broad approval of the proposed reforms of the Privacy Act.

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Mentor it Forward partnership to foster growth for CCIWA Members

Combining a personal dream with wanting to “pay-it-forward", Haim Ozchakir, the visionary behind Mentor it Forward, has a simple goal: to connect aspiring professionals with seasoned mentors to foster...

Could your air at work be costing you time and money?

Maintaining the indoor air quality of the work environment may not be top of a business owner's long list of things to do. But here's why...

Grants for energy projects to power WA’s decarbonisation goals

Green energy projects may be eligible for funding through the WA Government’s Investment Attraction Fund.

Act early and have a clear plan before selling your business

Be proactive and plan early. That’s the advice from accounting firm, Optima Partners when preparing to sell your business.

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Bravery behind IMDEX’s global success, now innovation leader

In the realm of business success, a willingness to embrace risk is paramount, and IMDEX, a mining technology company, stands as a testament to this principle.

How can diversity, equity and inclusion improve workplace morale?

Embracing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace is not always a straightforward path but its potential benefits are transformative, according to CCIWA Member idoba’s Sarah Coleman.

Preventing heat-related illness incidents: guidelines for worker safety

Here are some insights into the risks associated with working in the heat and guidelines to control and manage these risks effectively.

Avoiding festive season fumbles

It is recommended you plan to avoid festive fumbles that could put your business and staff at risk from claims.

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Offsetting emissions and restoring land key to Carbon Neutral story

Restoring depleted farmland while reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels makes perfect business sense to Carbon Neutral’s Ray Wilson.

Funds to support growth of food and beverage SMEs

Food and beverage businesses are being given a funding boost up to $20,000 to foster growth.

Dec 6 deadline for fixed-term contracts changes, are you ready?

From 6 December, employers will face stricter regulations regarding the use of fixed-term contracts, necessitating better workforce planning and more conscientious engagement, remuneration and contrac...

How to lay the foundations for ESG and reap the benefits

As a small or medium-sized business, you may have heard of ‘ESG’ (environmental, social and governance) and wondered: With all I’ve got going on, how could I possibly worry about that too? CCIWA Membe...