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Performance management checklist

By CCIWA Editor 

Managing performance can be a daunting task but a necessary one – each year more than 10,000 unfair dismissal claims are lodged with the Fair Work Commission.

This highlights how important it is to regularly review performance management processes to avoid successful unfair dismissal claims.

Well executed performance management processes will not only help prevent claims, they will also increase employee engagement and encourage professional development of your employees.

Key considerations

To ensure that your business is on track, below are some key considerations employers should make when reviewing performance processes.

  • Do you have a performance management policy?
  • Do you have a performance appraisal process in place, for example, yearly performance reviews?
  • Are your disciplinary procedures written in plain language and easy to follow?
  • Are your managers or supervisors equipped with the skills to manage the performance of their staff?
  • Are your employees aware of what is expected of them in their role?
  • Are your employees’ position descriptions up-to-date?
  • Are your employees empowered to be responsible for their own success?
  • Do your employees have the necessary skills and experience to deliver on the expectations you set?
  • Have you identified your high performing employees?
  • Do you provide your employees with regular feedback?
  • Do you give your employees the opportunity to enquire about their performance?
  • Do you immediately address underperformance/ misconduct issues with your employees?

For assistance in making sure your performance management process ticks all the boxes, contact CCIWA’s Employee Relations Advice Centre on (08) 9365 7660 or [email protected].


Managing performance can be a daunting task but a necessary one – each year more than 10,000 unfair dismissal claims are lodged with the Fair Work Commission.

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