Third dose mandated for WA workers

CCIWA Chief Economist 

Aaron Morey

CCIWA acknowledges today’s announcement that a third vaccine dose will be required for WA workers covered by State Government directions, in light of health advice on the Omicron variant.

Importantly, businesses and individuals will need to be provided sufficient time to comply with the new directions, to ensure current worker shortages are not exacerbated.

Previous CCIWA consumer survey data indicates approximately 3.7% of the labour force express ‘total’ opposition to receiving a vaccine. Our state’s shortfall of workers remains the number one barrier to the growth of WA businesses, impacting four in five respondents (79%) to CCIWA’s December survey. Some relief will be delivered upon the easing of WA’s border on 5 February.

CCIWA has been helping to prepare the business community by offering vaccine guides and online resources and has already been advising members to ensure they note the date of second doses.

As WA approaches 5 February, it is important there is sufficient clarity and consistency around rules relating to testing, tracing and isolation.

Many of CCIWA’s members have been seeking information in order to stay compliant with mandates, under threat of a $100,000 fine. Over 1,000 SMEs registered for a recent CCIWA webinar on vaccine mandates.

CCIWA looks forward to continuing to work alongside the State Government towards Western Australia’s reopening, as well as the growth and diversification of our economy.


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