The scheme is one of a suite of financial supports available to businesses taking on apprentices.
The Federal Government says it will introduce a 50 per cent wage subsidy for businesses taking on a new apprentice from today.
The $1.2 billion initiative, announced ahead of tomorrow’s Federal Budget, is part of the Morrison Government’s COVID-19 economic recovery plan.
The subsidy applies regardless of location, occupation, industry or business size.
Employers can access to a 50 per cent wage subsidy for their apprentice or trainee’s gross wage paid between October 5, 2020, and September 30, 2021.
The program is capped at 100,000 places.
Apprentices and trainees need to be undertaking a Cert II or higher qualification and be engaged in a formally-approved training contract.
Working together with Apprenticeship Support Australia, CCIWA is helping hundreds of apprentices and businesses navigate this complex time.
ASA Manager Lena Constantine says not is the opportune time to add the apprentice you need, while giving a local young person the opportunity to earn while they learn.
“Combined with the other incentives and funding support available through Federal and State Government measures, this makes a very appealing option to bring on new staff through the apprenticeship pathway.”
The Chamber movement has been consulting closely and productively with the Federal Government on these measures, led in the effort by our national body ACCI.
For more information on today’s announcement contact ASA on 1300 363 831.
For more on the funding incentives available to businesses taking apprentices and trainees, read Your apprentice incentive options.
Free to Members and non-Members: Your apprentice and trainee toolkit, and Top apprentice myths debunked.