Are you properly insured?

CCI has warned businesses to double check their insurance policies to ensure they are covered for workers’ compensation insurance.

Senior Consultant, Safety and Risk Services Rachael Lincoln said WorkCover WA has reported that a number of businesses have discovered their insurance packages did not cover workers’ compensation.

“It is a legal requirement for a business to have workers’ compensation insurance for anyone employed as a worker,” Lincoln says.

“If you don’t have insurance, your business will be liable for the costs of benefits paid if one of your workers has a work-related injury or disease.

“Additional costs may include legal costs in court action, liability for the costs of any action take at common law, and fines of up to $5000 per worker.

“It is vital you check your insurance policies or confirm with your broker to make sure you have appropriate workers’ compensation insurance.”

Meanwhile, the McGowan Government announced this week it has approved the drafting a new workers’ compensation statue.

The Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 is outdated and will be replaced with a modern Act.

The Bill will implement lifetime care and support arrangements for catastrophically injured workers, delivering on a commitment between the Commonwealth, and State and Territory governments.

Amendments will build on the WA Catastrophic Injuries Support Scheme introduced for motor vehicle accidents in July 2016.

Public consultation will occur on a draft Bill before it is introduced into State Parliament, continuing WorkCover WA’s open and consultative approach on the legislative review.

It is expected the new Bill will be introduced into parliament by the end of 2018.

Need help navigating workers’ compensation claims and insurance? Talk to one our ER Consultants now for tailored advice or register for our Safety for Supervisors course to brush up on your safety knowledge.

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