A host of COVID-19 public health measures including capacity limits, contact registration and close contact rules have eased today.
Premier Mark McGowan said yesterday that as of 12:01am April 14, the following rules will be in place:
- the 500 patron limit for hospitality venues, nightclubs, convention centres and function centres removed, but the 2 sqm rule remains;
- close contact definition to align with National Cabinet’s definition;
- limits to home and private outdoor gatherings removed;
- contact registration will only be required for people visiting a hospital;
- Masks required for people aged 8 years and over (year 3 and over for schools) indoors other than in the home; on public transport; in taxis and rideshare vehicles; and at hospitals and residential aged care or residential disability care facilities;
- Proof of vaccination rules to remain;
- RAT testing on arrival no longer required for international and domestic travellers, with all arrivals at Perth Airport encouraged to take a free test on offer. However, vaccination requirements and a G2G pass still required.
READ MORE: Business continuity planning during COVID-19
New close contact definition
A close contact will now only be defined as a household-type contact or intimate partner of a COVID-19 case. This includes:
- anyone who resides with or stays overnight in the same premises;
- has had more than four hours of cumulative contact with a COVID-19 case in a residential setting (residential care facility, congregate living facility, boarding school/house or maritime vessel), without wearing a mask; or
- someone directed by WA Health that they are a close contact.
People in isolation as a close contact under the existing definition could leave isolation today. This applies to people who:
- had at least 15 minutes face-to-face contact where a mask was not worn by the exposed person and the person with COVID-19; and
- someone that had greater than two hours within a small room with a case during their infectious period where masks have been removed for this period by the exposed person and the person with COVID-19.
LEARN MORE: My business is an exposure site — what should I do?
However, this does not include household type contacts or intimate partners.
The refined close contact definition means schools will no longer need to contact trace classroom or equivalent contacts when school resumes for Term 2.
For more information, visit www.wa.gov.au.
For resources and advice, see CCIWA’s COVID-19 Support Centre.