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Dowse to lead defence at ECU

Edith Cowan University has appointed senior Australian Defence Force officer Dr Andrew Dowse to lead the university’s push into the defence sector.

The newly created position of Director, Defence Research and Engagement, was established to develop stronger relationships between ECU and defence industries locally, nationally and internationally.

The appointment follows the launch of the Federal Government’s $720 million Next Generation Technologies Fund in March to foster innovation and closer links between defence, industry and universities.

Dr Dowse spent 37 years with the Australian Defence Force, reaching the rank of Air Vice-Marshal. His current role is Head of ICT Operations and Strategic J6 with the Department of Defence.

Prior to that he held the positions of Director General, Strategy and Planning in the Royal Australian Air Force and Director General, Capability Development with the Department of Defence.

Dr Dowse was looking forward to joining ECU.

“I was attracted to Edith Cowan because of the high regard for their programs, especially but not exclusively in cyber security, as well as the excellent quality of the people at ECU,” Dr Dowse said.

“I think ECU is producing work of great value to our national interests, including in Defence and national security, and I look forward to helping realise that value. “

Dr Dowse will start with ECU in February 2018.

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