West Australians may get some relief in the event of another COVID-19 lockdown through a $500 weekly payment for people who are unable to work.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison today (May 3) announced a temporary COVID disaster payment for Australians impacted by lockdowns longer than seven days.
To receive the payment, you need to be within a federally designated COVID hotspot, be unable to work and have less than $10,000 in liquid assets.
For people who usually work more than 20 hours a week, the payment is $500 a week, dropping to $325 a week for those who normally work fewer than 20 hours.
The payment will be made for the second and any subsequent weeks of restrictions.
It cannot be combined with any other form of welfare. Recipients do not necessarily have to have used all of their annual leave, but must have insufficient other entitlements such as pandemic sick leave.
Recipients must be at least 17 years old and be Australian citizens or have the right to live and work in Australia.
The Prime Minister told reporters that those who “have independent means of supporting themselves for a week then I think they would agree that reaching out for Commonwealth taxpayer-funded assistance is not something they would consider reasonable for such a short period of time”.
The announcement followed the end of the Federal Government’s JobKeeper payment on March 28 this year, while JobSeeker continues.
For the latest information and resources on COVID–19 visit covid19.cciwa.com.
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