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Feedback sought on migration reforms

Businesses are being urged to have their say on proposed migration reforms as the Federal Government eyes overhauling the current skilled visa system. 

The reforms, which are out for public comment, are focused on temporary migration settings with a proposed three-tier visa system comprising:

Aged care workers are among the Essential Skills roles being considered in the reforms.

  • Essential Skills: ‘Crucial roles’ earning less than $70,000/year. Focus is aged care and childcare workers. 
  • Core Skills: Roles generally earning between $70,000 and $130,000/year and on the Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL). Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) is currently looking at the occupations for the CSOL focusing on ANZSCO Skill levels 1 to 3. 
  • Skills in Demand: Roles generally earning above $135,000 and, although temporary, this pathway is aimed at attracting and retaining highly skilled talent.  

The CSOL is currently open for consultation until May 31. Jobs and Skills Australia has compiled three lists, and are currently seeking industry feedback on whether they are suitable and realistic for industry. 

Under the proposal, 183 roles are flagged as “Confident On” and have been confirmed by JSA as highly likely to be eligible for the Core Skills Visa. A further 214 roles are earmarked as “Confident Off” the list, while 307 roles are undetermined and “Targeted for Consultation”. 

Businesses are encouraged to consider providing their own feedback. 

Businesses should check the Confident Off and Targeted for Consultation lists, to identify if their ability to attract a specific occupation will be impacted by the CSOL. 

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