You might already have a candidate in mind, depending on your business and the skills or experience required.
If your business is in a specialist or niche industry, use your knowledge and contacts to sound out and evaluate potential employees.
Join professional LinkedIn groups to further your contacts and post ads on LinkedIn, Seek or other online industry groups and sites.
Consider the role, determine the type of employee you’re looking for and target your advertising accordingly.
Key positions are critically important, so ensure that you thoroughly check all references.
If you’re not comfortable with the advertising and interviewing process, consult a recruitment specialist.
The advantage here is that you’re outsourcing the advertising, headhunting, shortlisting, reference checking and most of the interviewing to people who are experienced in the process.
Hiring the wrong person can quickly drain your resources and cause conflict and stress in the business.
You want to hire the best of the best, so show them why they should work for you.
You can’t compete with the deep pockets of big business, but you do have flexibility on your side.
You can tailor conditions around a top-level candidate.
One engineering business keeps its employees loyal and enthusiastic by offering the opportunity to work a four-day week. Be creative.
CCIWA’s Workplace Relations can help you with your employment contracts and other advice.