Work Integrated Learning

Work Integrated Learning

We are committed to developing the skills and experience of WA’s future workforce. We offer workplace-based learning experiences for a wide range of skill sets through our Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Program.

In this free service, we facilitate university student placements for your business. This workplace-based learning program provides employers with an opportunity to engage bright new thinkers in all aspects of their business.

We are there to assist every step of the way

Our team will then do all the leg work – working through our WA university network – to ensure we find the right student for the project or role

We’ll work with you to help define the project or role so that it meets the requirements for the Fair Work Act’s Vocational Placement Guidelines.

We assist in the administrative setup of the placement, and then provide on-going support throughout the placement

Placements can be unpaid with insurances covered by the university. We can also assist with paid placements.

Data Science

Computer Science

Cyber Security

Software Engineering

Financial Mathematics

Actuarial & Financial Services

Predictive Analytics, Mathematical Sciences

Industrial & Applied Mathematics

Industrial Optimisation




Extractive Metallurgy

Environmental Science



Civil & Construction

Electrical and Electronic communication

Industrial and Systems




Students can be engaged for an internship or project to be completed at your workplace, virtually from home or in an on-campus group.

There are three key elements to consider when defining a Work Integrated Learning project:

  1. Students are available for placements of between 100 and 150 hours in-line with their enrolled unit requirements. This can be completed either in a block or up to a few days per week over the course of a semester. Placements can start at any point during the year.
  2. The project must have a defined objective with a student learning outcome but should also encompass activities that a graduate would be expected to complete in that role.
  3. As this is primarily a learning experience for the student, they must have a workplace supervisor with knowledge or expertise in the area of the project. The supervisor must have the knowledge to guide the student through their project or day-to-day role accurately.

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100 hours

By agreement, students can complete up to 150 hours. i.e. if a student is working on a specific project and the student wants to provide additional hours to complete their tasks.

WIL Placements can be unpaid as students are obtaining course credit as they are enrolled in a corresponding unit and the work experience contributes towards their unit requirements.

If you wish to pay the student for their placement, the student will need to be provided with an employment contract and the relevant award minimum rates would apply. You can speak with your HR team or consult Fair Work Ombudsman or Wageline for further advice. CCIWA members can speak with our Employee Relations Advice Centre (ERAC) on (08) 9365 7746


Once you have found your WIL student, consult with each other on when the placement will start, and agree on working hours.

Students are able to enrol in the WIL placement unit in Semester 1, Semester 2, and Summer School, allowing students the flexibility to work with you all year round.

A WIL placement provides students with invaluable workplace experience, allowing them to enter the workforce with confidence once they graduate.

In addition, the WIL placement provides students with Course Credit (as an enrolled unit) towards their degree.


The WIL program is a great opportunity for employers to identify future talent and we love to hear of students being offered permanent roles after (or even during!) their WIL placement.

For unpaid WIL Placements, Universities require a Due Diligence process to be completed and a Field Work Agreement to be signed. This ensures that all legal and insurance matters are in order prior to the student starting their WIL placement.

The process starts by speaking with one of the WIL Advisers. Our team will identify with you the work that will be completed during the placement to confirm that it is consistent with the WIL program objectives. The WIL Adviser will conduct a Site Evaluation and the University will require that you complete a Due Diligence Review and sign a Field Work Agreement. This ensures all legal and insurance matters are covered prior to a student commencing their placement.

The WIL Adviser will interview potential students and only refer students to you that meet your specifications and are likely to be a good cultural fit. You will then interview the student(s) prior to the placement being confirmed.

During the placement, you will need to provide the student with appropriate work and supervision. On completion, you will be asked to complete a Host Appraisal Form which will form part of the student’s assessment for the corresponding unit they are enrolled in.

This is really up to you and the student to agree on.

Ultimately, how the hours are worked is up to your business requirements, ability to supervise, and the student’s availability.

For placements during Semester 1 and 2, most placements agree on 1-2 days per week, taking into consideration the student’s study schedule and other commitments.

For placements over the Winter or Summer break, students generally have more flexibility and are able to complete the WIL placement by working up to full-time hours in a block until the minimum 100 hours have been completed.


As long as that works for the student’s schedule and commitments, site-based experience offers students great work experience and is fine to include in their placement.

The WIL program offers great benefits to both the student and the employer.

For the employer, it is a good opportunity to gain insights into current training and development of students that are entering the workforce, as well as offering a “fresh set of eyes” to bring new perspectives to projects and workplaces.

You are also gaining early access to the talent pools emerging from University, and are able to secure talent in your pipeline long before anyone else is able to meet with them.

A WIL placement is a learning experience for students, so it is essential that they are working under the supervision of someone with knowledge, experience and skills in that area.

For instance, a business that needs a marketing project completed will need to have a marketing professional who will guide and support the student throughout their WIL placement.

Typically, WIL students complete a specific project or scope of work in line with their area of study.

A WIL placement is intended to provide students with an opportunity to learn more about their profession while they are still a student. The work they are asked to do needs to be consistent with that intention.