Assuring steady renewable energy will help businesses pursue net zero

CCIWA Chief Economist

Aaron Morey

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA) welcomes the State Government’s announcement that it will rapidly assess new and existing demand for renewable energy from businesses on the electricity grid. This is a necessary step to provide businesses with more confidence to plan, adapt and enact their net zero transition.

WA businesses are working now to reduce their emissions into the future. To meet our emissions reduction ambitions, WA businesses must have an electricity grid that can supply the volume of energy they need from renewable sources. In CCIWA’s extensive climate policy consultations, this was often cited as essential to the climate goals of many WA businesses, including to meet their internal 2030 targets.

CCIWA looks forward to continued work with WA businesses to understand and navigate the regulatory and practical challenges of adjusting to a cleaner energy future. We have reconciled the views of thousands of our members to define our ambitious climate policy position statement and recommendations, building on longstanding support for ‘net zero by 2050’.

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