Payroll waiver to help stanch small business loss

The $1 billion relief package announced by the State Government today delivers more key measures called for by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA).

A key part of the announcement was the waiver rather than simply deferral of payroll tax for four months, for businesses suffering a downturn due to COVID-19. This applies to businesses with annual wages of less than $7.5 million in 2019-20.

Bringing forward payroll relief was a key recommendation of CCIWA to the State Government and will help 10,700 WA businesses in their efforts to survive and recover.

CCIWA has also been calling for support for smaller businesses operating below the payroll tax threshold. Today’s announcement includes several measures that help in this regard.
First, license fees will be waived for small and medium businesses for 12 months, including for building services, plumbers, electricians, commercial fishing and other industries.

Second, businesses consuming less than 50MWh of electricity a year will receive a $2,500 credit on their bills.

Third, small and medium businesses under strain due to COVID-19 will not be disconnected for late payments of water or electricity bills and will benefit from interest-free payment arrangements.

CCIWA is continuing to work closely with members to help them protect and retain the jobs of Western Australians. This package is the product of close consultation between the business community and the State Government, to ensure relief measures are fit for purpose and address the key concerns of business.

Chris Rodwell

CCIWA Chief Executive Officer

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