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Our Business Services

Chamber of Commerce & Industry WA

With over 130 years of experience representing WA businesses, we’re ready to help with the resources and advice you need to succeed.

Employee Relations Helpline

Employee Relations Helpline

Get timely, reliable and practical employee relations advice on employment laws, the awards system and other human resource matters. CCIWA Members get unlimited access.

Legal Services

Legal Services

Our team of experienced, client-focused business lawyers offer a full range of Commercial Law & Employment Law services for all your essential legal needs.

Accounting & Taxation Services

Optima Partners and CCIWA

Innovative and personalised accounting, taxation and business advisory services that focus on delivering the best results to help your business grow.

Workplace Health & Safety Services

Workplace Health & Safety Services

Unlock the potential of your business with our suite of staff training and development programs, crafted by workplace relations experts and tailored to your business needs.

Construction & Mining IR Services

Construction & Mining IR Services

We offer extensive, independent and practical industrial and labour relations support to the engineering, construction and mining industries.

Workplace Training & Development

Workplace Training & Development

Unlock the potential of your business with our suite of staff training and development programs, crafted by workplace relations experts and tailored to your business needs.

Apprenticeship Support Australia WA

Apprenticeship Support Australia WA

Our dedicated team specialises in assisting employers maximise the benefits of investing in apprenticeships and traineeships to build local skills for the diverse WA workforce. Our team of experts will provide all the advice, support and services you need — free of charge.

Work Integrated Learning – Internships

Work Integrated Learning - Internships

Tap into WA’s future workforce with our Work Integrated Learning – Internships program. This free service facilitates university student work experience placements for your business.

Industry Capability Network WA

Industry Capability Network WA

Connecting your business with mining, construction, infrastructure, defence and other major projects using the ICN Gateway.

International Trade Services

International Trade Services

Take your business global using our comprehensive suite of international trade services to streamline importing and exporting, reduce risks and identify international partners.

Support WA small business to drive future growth

Ninety-seven per cent of businesses in WA are small businesses, making it a critical driver of the State’s future growth.

To celebrate Small Business Day, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCI) is calling on all West Australians to play their part in supporting the lifeblood of Western Australia’s economy by buying from their local small business tomorrow.

Since 2013, many businesses have been experiencing challenging economic conditions where operating margins have been eroded and growth constrained, with small businesses bearing the brunt of the triple threat – weak consumer demand, online competitors and rising labour costs.

New research by CCI of WA small businesses, as part of our WA Super-CCI Business Confidence Survey, has identified that despite the considerable pressure small businesses have been under to maintain viable operations and continued employment of staff in challenging economic conditions, there is renewed optimism for the future.

One out of two (50%) WA small businesses are expecting stronger economic conditions over the next 12 months and the proportion of those anticipating better economic conditions for the next quarter is expected to double to 22 per cent compared to this quarter.

Twenty-five per cent of small businesses are expecting to increase employment but the majority are anticipating no change in capital expenditure (66%) or profit margins (52%). One in three considered weak demand as the biggest barrier to growing their business, followed by rising operating costs (17%) and availability of skilled labour (15%).

At CCI, we are proud that 90 per cent of our members are small businesses, because we recognise the significant contribution they make to our State and our country. Small businesses contributed $48 billion to WA’s economy last year alone and employed more than 490,000 West Australians.

Only 69 per cent of micro businesses survived the 2016-17 financial year, which means it is up to every West Australian to play their part in supporting the businesses that give so much back.

WA retail is a key sector that is vital to our economy, with over 120,000 employees who contribute over $8 billion to the State’s economic growth. Retail is being crunched from all sides by sluggish consumer demand, online competitors and the State Government’s restricted trading hours.

The State Government enforcing the most restrictive retail trading hours in the country is pushing shoppers online, hindering the State’s attractiveness as a global tourism destination and threatening WA retail jobs in the process.

CCI urges the State Government to commit to removing these unfair restrictions on WA local businesses to bring us in line with the rest of the country’s trading hours. As a first step, we urge the State Government to review its decision to reduce extended Christmas trading hours by 30 per cent this year.

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