WA waterfront strikes


Chris Rodwell

CCIWA welcomes Federal Attorney General Michaelia Cash’s decision to intervene to end the protracted MUA strikes which are menacing WA’s economy.

We are working with our members to compile an evidence base to specify and substantiate the harm the industrial action poses to the WA economy. In this respect, the Federal Government has taken a very proactive approach in seeking evidence to bring the dispute to an end.

The strikes are preventing vital supply ships to and from WA being unloaded, threatening Western Australian jobs and the effort to diversify our economy and attract more investment. Make no mistake, when economies are put at risk by industrial action, international investors take notice.

Critical mining and agricultural machines have been bobbing around in the sea off Adelaide and Melbourne, instead of being on the ground and working for Western Australians.

After a bruising 18 months, WA’s farmers and agriculture businesses are looking to a bumper harvest to help them regain their feet.

Resources businesses are grappling with softening commodity prices. Container ports are vital for exporting downstream battery chemicals, and thus are a vital piece of infrastructure for economic diversification.

WA’s shops and retailers are looking to stock their shelves and warehouses as they look ahead to the Christmas rush.

All are put at risk by the delays, higher costs and uncertainty imposed by a stalemate about work rosters, and negotiations that have ground on since 2019.

These events strengthen the case for industrial relations reform to protect the Western Australian community and economy from being held to ransom.

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