WA's relative safety from COVID-19 allows workplaces to get a head start developing health and safety protocols and systems into the longer term.
CCIWA risk and safety consultant Matt Butterworth says planning now on how to flex back to stricter restrictions can allow business operations to continue with fewer disruptions in a potential second wave.
Butterworth says that in the immediate to short term, WHS risk management will be a key driver for physical change in the workplace.
"This can already be seen in the floor markings, increased signage and screens amongst other measures, as well as a hyper-vigilance around workplace cleaning, worker hygiene and physical distancing."
He says it will also require renewed risk management focus around work-related travel and customer-client interaction.
"Where previously the focus may have been on fatigue, mental health and occupational violence risks, there will now also be consideration of the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and infectious diseases."
Key considerations, according to Butterworth, include:
- managing access to the workplace (building or workplace access, lifts, reception);
- addressing social distancing measures in offices, working spaces;
- cleaning protocols;
- how to effectively consult and communicate;
- refresher training, or new training on work tasks/equipment; and
- new risks that arise from any resulting changes to work practices, procedures or the work environment.
Watch CCIWA risk and safety consultant Matt Butterworth’s full presentation from HR Quarterly. Enter password: awicc1709