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Help at hand to create inclusive jobs

By CCIWA Editor

Researchers from the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre have found small business employment can help adults with intellectual disabilities and high support needs overcome the disability and poverty link.  

The report, Small Business Enterprise Models of Employment: For persons with intellectual disabilities and high support needs, examined an emerging small business employment model that is personalised to cater for each individual’s needs and based on multiple sources of support including family and friends.  

Rocky Bay Employment Consultant Tania Admans said in a country as diverse as Australia, both in culture and opportunities, the high number of unemployed people with disabilities was unacceptable.  

“As a disability service provider, we work with organisations on a daily basis to help them to deliver inclusive job descriptions and work environments so that we can decrease the number of people with disabilities affected by poverty and other negative outcomes tied to unemployment,” she said. 

“We believe that every organisation has a responsibility to ensure that there are opportunities for people from all walks of life to be actively engaged in the community, employed and maintaining a standard of living that ensures quality of life.” 

Like any person, looking to find a role in an organisation, adults living with intellectual disabilities gain multiple positives from being employed including a sense of purpose, social interaction and financial stability that increase independence and optimises their quality of life. 

Employers benefit too 

Admans said organisations hiring a person living with disability can expect higher employee retention. Staff morale will also be boosted and teamwork enhanced as people living with disability can bring fresh perspectives to a workplace. 

“Disability organisations, such as Rocky Bay, already provide the assistance to companies to help initiate the hiring of people living with disabilities every day,” she said.  

“Companies can work closely with disability service providers to expand the skillsets of people living with disability and provide the necessary supports which will increase their employability.  

“They can also consult disability service providers on how the workforce can be made more accessible for people living with disability.” 

Researchers from the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre have found small business employment can help adults with intellectual disabilities and high support needs overcome the disability and poverty link.