Business welcomes openness to fix WA’s archaic shopping restrictions 


Chris Rodwell

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA) welcomes news of the Shop Distributive & Allied Employees’ Association openness to ease WA’s strict shopping restrictions.

Western Australia has the most restrictive retail shopping hours in the country. These restrictions are relics of a bygone, pre-internet era.

Reform to allow businesses more choice about when they operate, would have both economic and social benefits.

Reform would better enable WA shops to compete. Busy families and tourists would have more convenience. People, young and old, would have the option to work more hours.

In other states, easing restrictions increased retail turnover, meaning shops were busier. That would mean more foot traffic into our retail precincts, community hubs and CBD, with more customers and vibrancy for our small businesses.

Surveys of the WA public have long shown strong support to ease shopping restrictions, with around seven in ten supportive among households (69%) and businesses (72%), including small businesses.

CCIWA is committed to achieving reform of WA’s antiquated shopping restrictions.

Let’s make 2023 the year we give retail businesses across the State the freedom to determine when they want to open.

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