Chris Rodwell
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIWA) recognises the exceptional leadership of Premier Mark McGowan following his decision to resign today.
Mr McGowan departs the office of Premier with remarkable backing from across Western Australia, including the business community. This reflects his many achievements as Premier and Treasurer. Good governments ensure strong State finances, on the principle that this is critical to a thriving economy. Mark McGowan’s focused leadership improved the State’s financial position. From the outset, alongside former Treasurer Ben Wyatt, he set about restricting operational expenditure and devising a clear strategy for debt reduction. WA now boasts the most enviable set of books in the nation, and our AAA credit rating reinstated.
During his first term, CCIWA worked in partnership with the McGowan Government to overhaul the GST distribution system, rightly shifting the formula so that it better incentivised States to develop their own economies. It was a case made in the national interest with a solution that appropriately recognises WA as the engine room of the national economy.
Western Australia has, over its history, often been left to the side of the national conversation. There is no doubt WA holds far greater sway in the Federation as a result of Mr McGowan’s leadership, initially through the GST engagement and later through National Cabinet.
His capacity to draw support from the Federal Government has been outstanding. Federal Governments of both persuasions have rightly paid more attention during his time as Premier.
It is also clear that Mr McGowan served Western Australia through the pandemic with determined leadership, protecting the community, and ensuring our resources sector continued to operate, providing ballast to our economy and protecting thousands of jobs.
Western Australia’s emergence from the pandemic has been outstanding. We are a real bright spot in the global economy and our re-engagement with the world has been outstanding.
CCIWA wishes Mark McGowan and his family all the best in future.