CCIWA welcomes the deal struck by the State Government with the Commonwealth to increase Western Australia’s skilled migration cap to 10,000 for 2024-25.
The increase comes after the number of skilled migrant workers allowed into WA under the State Nominated Migration Program was slashed to just 2,350 for 2023-24.
Under the agreement, the number will rise to 5,000 and will be boosted by a further 5,000 under the newly created WA Designated Area Migration Agreement.
CCIWA had joined the State Government in calling for the cap to be raised significantly for the coming financial year.
CCIWA Chief Executive Chris Rodwell said the increase would help to relieve some of the significant shortages of skilled workers across a range of sectors.
“This news will be welcome by employers including those in construction, health and age care, tourism, hospitality and agriculture, who’ve been struggling to find the skilled workers they need,” he said.
“The shortages have been particularly stark in regional WA, and we know that the cut last year had an impact.
“Our recent Business Confidence survey for the June quarter found 66% of WA businesses had struggled to fill a job with particular skills in the previous three months.
“We are pleased the State Government was able to convince the Commonwealth that WA’s economy is different to other states.”
Mr Rodwell said the increase in places for trade qualified workers in the building and construction industry would help boost the state’s housing stocks.
“We know the housing shortage is hurting families and it’s also impacting business and the broader economy,” he said.
“WA needs workers in those key trades to build homes. There’s a significant backlog but this move is a step in the right direction.”