Managing Conflicts Basic Starter Kit for Organisations

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Managing Conflicts Basic Starter Kit for Organisations

Conflicts of interest are a tricky area for many businesses to manage.

With this in mind, our kit is designed to provide a framework for transparent and ethical decision-making within your business.

Included in the kit are the:

  1. Conflict of Interest Policy; and
  2. Gifts and Benefits Policy.

These policies set out clear procedures and guidelines on how to identify, disclose and manage conflicts of interest for employees and directors. Each policy works together to provide a steady framework for conflict management for your organisation.

For businesses needing policies dealing with conflicts and gifts, this basic starter kit establishes clear and understandable policies on how to manage these risks. If you require bespoke policies, please contact the Commercial Legal team.

SKU: PUB00211. Category: Tags: ,
ex GST
CCIWA Member Price
ex GST
Non-Member Price

$1,850.00 ex GST