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Landmark project addresses workplace barriers for people with disabilities

A new pilot project delivered by CCIWA will aim to help more people with disabilities secure employment in WA by identifying and lifting barriers between workers and employers.

Funded by the WA Government, Ability Link will work directly with small and medium businesses to support them in hiring people with disabilities. 

The 12-month project will also consult closely with people with disabilities, carers and service providers to determine what is needed to ensure a smooth transition into the workforce.  

Crucially, Ability Link will seek to provide a clearer picture of available support services and simplify access to those services. 

The project follows a CCIWA report which identified some key barriers to disability employment, finding the majority of businesses in WA had made little to no progress in increasing the number of employees with disabilities.

Five people posing for a photo in a brewery.

L-R: Waverley Brewhouse in Cannington Manager Chris Howell; CCIWA CEO Chris Rodwell; Waverley Brewhouse Bartender Tyler Buckland; Hospitality Disability Network WA Disability Employment Manager Marnie Howell, Waverley Brewhouse Owner Brian Godfrey; and Disability Services Minister Don Punch.

‘Good for the worker, great for business’ 

CCIWA CEO Chris Rodwell says the pilot program is an exciting step towards improving employment opportunities for people with disabilities in WA.  

“Workers with disabilities are an untapped resource, but many businesses have misconceptions about what is involved in hiring someone with different abilities,” he says. 

“This work is an important first step towards bridging the gap between employers and potential employees.”  

Rodwell adds: “There’s a wealth of evidence from all over the world that employing people with disabilities is not only good for the worker, it’s also great for business. 

“Businesses that excel in disability employment are more profitable, their staff are happier, and their customers are more loyal.” 

Disability Services Minister Don Punch says the Government is prioritising improving employment outcomes and ensuring economic participation for people with disability. 

“The Cook Government is keen to work in partnership with private sector industries and businesses to increase employment for people with disability, including support to employers to feel more confident in employing people with disability,” Minister Punch says.

Meaningful impact 

Rodwell is confident Ability Link will make a real difference to people with disabilities and the businesses that employ them.  

“We want to make it as easy as possible for businesses to hire people with disabilities, and this pilot program will aim to clear the barriers that have been holding them back from doing so,” he says.  

“Ultimately, it comes down to a shift in our overall attitudes towards people with disabilities. 

“They are valuable, diverse, and capable of making a big contribution across the economy. At the moment they are a significant untapped resource in our labour market.” 

If you would like to get involved in this pilot to be part of our stakeholder engagement meetings and roundtables; provide a case study on disability employment working well in your business; or join our employer advocates mailing list, please provide your details via the form at Disability Employment — CCIWA.

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