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Chamber of Commerce & Industry WA

With over 130 years of experience representing WA businesses, we’re ready to help with the resources and advice you need to succeed.

Employee Relations Helpline

Employee Relations Helpline

Get timely, reliable and practical employee relations advice on employment laws, the awards system and other human resource matters. CCIWA Members get unlimited access.

Legal Services

Legal Services

Our team of experienced, client-focused business lawyers offer a full range of Commercial Law & Employment Law services for all your essential legal needs.

Accounting & Taxation Services

Optima Partners and CCIWA

Innovative and personalised accounting, taxation and business advisory services that focus on delivering the best results to help your business grow.

Workplace Health & Safety Services

Workplace Health & Safety Services

Unlock the potential of your business with our suite of staff training and development programs, crafted by workplace relations experts and tailored to your business needs.

Construction & Mining IR Services

Construction & Mining IR Services

We offer extensive, independent and practical industrial and labour relations support to the engineering, construction and mining industries.

Workplace Training & Development

Workplace Training & Development

Unlock the potential of your business with our suite of staff training and development programs, crafted by workplace relations experts and tailored to your business needs.

Apprenticeship Support Australia WA

Apprenticeship Support Australia WA

Our dedicated team specialises in assisting employers maximise the benefits of investing in apprenticeships and traineeships to build local skills for the diverse WA workforce. Our team of experts will provide all the advice, support and services you need — free of charge.

Work Integrated Learning – Internships

Work Integrated Learning - Internships

Tap into WA’s future workforce with our Work Integrated Learning – Internships program. This free service facilitates university student work experience placements for your business.

Industry Capability Network WA

Industry Capability Network WA

Connecting your business with mining, construction, infrastructure, defence and other major projects using the ICN Gateway.

International Trade Services

International Trade Services

Take your business global using our comprehensive suite of international trade services to streamline importing and exporting, reduce risks and identify international partners.

COVID-19: Caring for employee mental health

COVID-19 is creating anxiety and uncertainty in our community, while social distancing measures to slow the spread of the virus may leave people feeling isolated and disconnected.

It’s a challenging situation for employers, who have a duty of care to their staff. Some key strategies may help.

Communicate and connect

Regular, open communication is important to staff wellbeing. You may wish to:

Click on the image to access CCIWA’s Mental Health Toolkit.

  • hold regular meetings using remote conferencing platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams or FaceTime;
  • arrange one-on-one check-ins once a day or more or more for those who need it;
  • try not to micromanage. Try to focus on and manage outcomes instead of daily tasks.
  • remember to celebrate wins—employees may be working under extra pressure to deliver them;
  • consider holding end of week virtual gatherings or lunches for socialising;
  • create policy to limit the hours for sending and receiving emails; and
  • keep team check-ins upbeat and positive as a break from the circulation of negative information, and
    be kind.

More information: Access CCIWA’s Mental Health Toolkit

KPIs should reflect the current climate. You need to keep employees accountable and it is good to have an overall purpose to keep them focused. But your employees may develop unnecessary anxiety or concerns about their job security if they’re trying to meet previously-set goals while facing circumstances outside of their control. Consider whether those previous KPIs are still appropriate.

We might not be able to control external events, but we can control how we respond and adapt to them. Remind your staff that you are all learning and overcoming this together. Establishing a “new normal” for remote work might take some time – allow some leniency and be patient while providing clarity on your employee’s tasks and priorities.

For staff who need support

Feelings of anxiety and worry are completely valid during this period.

A major concern for employees will be job security and they should be provided advice and support on this issue sooner rather than later.

If you believe an employee is struggling with mental health issues, there are number of measures you can take to support them.

  • Modify employee tasks. Perhaps move them to a different project, allow them to try something new or offer them smaller tasks instead.
  • Encourage your employee to talk with you about what supports are available. Guide them to take stock of their financial situation and stay informed of government stimulus packages that may help.
  • Refer them to any support programs you may run such as an Employee Assistance Program. Guide staff who are needing extra help to talk to their GP or support services like Lifeline and Beyond Blue. is a website for small business which is part of the national workplace initiative aimed at creating mentally-healthy workplaces for business and workers.

While you have a duty of care to your staff, you also need to remember to look after yourself. This is particularly the case if you have had to make difficult decisions about your business and employees. Make sure you have someone to talk to and take steps to maintain your own mental health.

If you need further assistance CCIWA’s Employee Relations Advice Centre is here to help and can be contacted on (08) 9365 7660 or via [email protected].

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