Human Resource Consulting

Human Resource Consulting

Our Human Resources Consulting Service has an experienced and client-centric team that provides a variety of HR services for businesses of all sizes, from on-boarding and employee induction processes to temporary HR secondments.

Our team have diverse industry experience in providing HR support to the WA business community to ensure a productive, motivated, and engaged workforce. Our people skills, practical knowledge, and operational expertise enable us to offer a wide range of services and practical advice that will ensure fair treatment of the WA workforce and help your business succeed.

We work individually with each client to develop a comprehensive understanding of your industry and work with you to develop practical solutions to resolve the root causes of your workplace issue.

HR Health Check-up

Our free HR online assessment tool is designed to help you evaluate your organisations’ knowledge, policies, and processes across a wide range of human resource functions. Start your free HR Health Check-up

We provide practical HR solutions for WA businesses of all sizes and industries. There are no lock in contracts and we tailor your requirements directly to your business needs and budget.

Our human resources consulting services

Keeping employees engaged is crucial for the well-being of your staff and the success of your organisation. At the centre of a productive and motivated workforce is the quality of your employee performance management process. This includes performance appraisal strategies, performance improvement plans, and employee policies.

Often absenteeism is a symptom of a broader issue, that if left unaddressed, or documented inappropriately, can lead to demotivation and employee performance issues. We provide support on individual employee performance issues, such as absenteeism, breach of policy, and underperformance, with more complex cases backed by our experienced legal practice specialising in workplace relations and employment law.

It is important that organisations recognise the link between workforce diversity and higher performance.

Valuing workplace diversity enables West Australian businesses to not only reflect the local communities in which we live, but also encourages innovation through embracing distinct perspectives and supports organisational performance.

Our consultants help you to develop strategies to enable your organisation to be more inclusive. We review your processes, practices, and documentation to ensure alignment with your organisation’s goals to become a more inclusive and diverse workplace.

Workforce planning and development is becoming the most practical way of maintaining competitive advantage. Succession and workforce planning is all about aligning your organisation’s strategic goals with the capabilities required to deliver it.

Our HR Consultants assess the key roles and map your current capabilities within a talent matrix to identify opportunities for retain and develop talent and the workforce skills required to drive the future of your business.

Every workplace has its own unique culture – the shared values, beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions that shape behaviour. As the saying goes ‘what gets rewarded gets repeated’. Therefore, employees’ positive behaviours and mindsets are the direct results of how effectively leaders lead.

Our consultants work with you to develop strategies to improve your workplace culture, including fostering collaboration and communication, aligning HR policies and practices, goal setting and reinforcement, and customised leadership workshops.

Training has been demonstrated to improve organisational performance and employee engagement, however, training for training’s sake is counterintuitive. For the return on investment to be realised, organisational training needs to be designed, targeted, delivered, and measured based on the needs of the organisation and its employees.

A training needs analysis is a systematic activity of identifying gaps in the current skills of your workforce at an individual, task, or organisational level. This is tailored to the organisation and the specific roles existing within the hierarchy. Our team works with you to identify key training priorities to ensure your organisation develops the skills that it needs for today to build the capabilities required for tomorrow.

How leaders conduct themselves through change will impact the desired and actual outcomes. When implementing organisational change, it is crucial to develop a detailed plan not only manage the change itself, but also a considered strategy for the transition that your workforce will need to go through to embrace and thrive after the change.

Our consultants work with you to develop a thorough plan that considers the key elements of consultation with stakeholders, timelines, communication, training, resistance assessment, and risk assessment.

Employee surveys are an effective way to gather data about the workforce, however, if not properly developed and analysed, these are prone to bias and misleading interpretations. We develop, implement, and analyse customised employee pulse surveys and employee engagement surveys, providing you with valuable data to enable effective business decision-making.

By adopting an evidence-based approach to employee engagement, we tailor solutions to the unique profile of your workforce. To ensure that your HR function is optimised, our team will conduct independent audits on your HR practices, policies, and procedures in alignment with legislative requirements, organisational strategy, and best practice.

Recent research shows that nearly a third of Australian workers report that mental health is their biggest challenge at work.

It is critical to create a safe space for your workforce and enable a culture in which employees can have open conversations about their wellbeing and mental health. This crucial for supporting organisational performance, as how we feel and perform at work are intricately linked.

CCIWA provides training and coaching support for leaders, managers, and supervisors dealing with supporting mental health in the workplace, and advice on policies and practices that help to enable a more supportive working environment.

Workplace Health and Safety Checklist

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Call our Senior HR Consultant who can assess your HR requirements. 

Email us or call (08) 9365 7746

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