CCIWA launches commercial legal service

WA businesses can now access an even wider range of legal help through CCIWA with the launch of a new commercial and corporate legal division. 

Complementing CCIWA’s existing legal practice, the new service is helmed by a team of experienced commercial and corporate lawyers.

The service will provide legal advice on every aspect of doing business in WA, including:

  • Transactions
  • Governance and compliance
  • Reviewing and drafting contracts
  • Sale and purchase of business
  • Trademark registration and Intellectual Property
  • E-commerce business Terms & Conditions and supplier agreements
  • Commercial property leases
  • Shareholder transactions, agreements and disputes
  • Partnership agreements and disputes
  • Franchise agreements
  • Company constitutions
  • ASX regulation compliance

“The commercial legal service provides practical, cost-effective assistance to businesses, and is a valuable addition to CCIWA’s legal practice, which also covers workplace relations and employment law,” CCIWA Associate Director HR & Workplace Relations Ryan Martin said.

“We have a large team of commercial and employment lawyers with substantial experience to help business owners navigate complex legal matters in a straightforward way, allowing them to focus on running and growing their business.”

Martin said that being part of CCIWA means the legal team can also help connect businesses to assistance outside of their immediate legal need, such as international trade, apprenticeship support, learning solutions and employee relations.

CCIWA Commercial Lawyer Chantelle Mulla said legal issues arise for businesses of all sizes — from start-ups and sole traders to SMEs and large companies.

“A sole trader may not realise they are personally liable for their business’ debt, so we can help them with asset protection. Or they may not realise that their business is better structured as a company, and so we help them restructure their business.”

She encouraged businesses struggling with any commercial legal matter to reach out to the team for an initial conversation.


Do you have a legal matter that requires our help? Get in touch on (08) 9365 7746 or via [email protected]. 

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