Global competition has never been fiercer but there are some simple things you can to set you apart from the competition and make doing business easier.
One involves getting your international custom documents in order when attending international trade shows or taking product samples overseas to show your clients which you intend to bring back with you to WA.
You wouldn’t travel without checking your passport or visas, but did you know that having an ATA Carnet allows duty free temporary import of your goods for up to 12 months?
These days, many WA businesses are taking product samples overseas to international trade shows or to show clients a sample of their products. Carnets take the hassle out of getting these items through customs.
ATA Carnets have been smoothing the path for business travellers for more than 70 years, yet many companies don’t realise their benefits.
You might have heard many stories of people held up at borders or paying import duties and fees when they didn’t have to.
CCIWA’s International Trade and Investment team (ITIC) has even had calls from people stuck at borders who need to get a carnet issued.
When your time is limited, the last thing you want to do on a business trip is risk missing an important expo or overseas customer meeting because you slipped up on the paperwork.
ITIC can issue carnets for a whole range of items: from machinery parts for trade shows; to works of art for exhibiting artists; photography equipment for journalists etc; even a large coin that Perth Mint took on a global tour.
Quite simply, the pitfalls of not having an ATA carnet include costly delays getting through customs and even extra fees if you cannot prove the origin of an item.
ITIC’s services are available to CCIWA Members and non-Members. CCI Members receive discounted services. Call (08) 9365 7620.