Bolstering testing and tracing key to lifting public confidence for freer borders 

Chris Rodwell


The Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA) supports the increased measures outlined by the State Government today to further tighten WA’s contact tracing system. 

The longstanding position of CCIWA is that more rigorous testing and tracing measures would impart greater public confidence to lift border restrictions within Australia, and are a proven, effective safeguard for the community. 

These further mandatory measures should also give confidence to the WA Government to proceed towards freer domestic border settings. 

For many WA businesses, 14day quarantine barrier and day-to-day border uncertainty is no easier to manage than a hard border. It is important that WA’s recovery is not undermined or delayed by remaining a closed economy for longer than required by health advice. 

WA businesses are playing a critical role to assist the State testing and tracing effortand CCIWA looks forward to further supporting WA’s continued progress towards re-joining the national economy.

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