CCIWA alarmed at reported efforts to block North West Shelf project

Comments attributable to CCIWA Chief Economist Aaron Morey:

CCIWA is alarmed at reports today of efforts to block the extension of the North West Shelf project.  

Blocking the extension would dent the WA and national economies for decades, undermine the community of Karratha, compromise global efforts to transition to Net Zero, and hobble the efforts of key trading partners in Asia to develop their economies and provide energy for their growing populations.  

WA’s regional partners heavily rely on Australian gas for their energy security. Key trading partners like Japan have clearly communicated that they need Australia to continue to reliably supply energy, including LNG as a key transition fuel.  

With the rise of geopolitical tensions, particularly the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Australia has never been more important in this context.  

Small businesses and households would be harmed as well, particularly in and around the local Karratha community. The impact on small and family businesses is of particular concern to CCIWA. 

As with all major projects, strict oversight through cultural heritage management plans would help to ensure that the project continues in a careful and sustainable way. 

CCIWA is deeply committed to supporting efforts to transition to Net Zero. It is abundantly clear that there is no energy transition without gas playing a major role in that change. This means that the volume of gas we need to sustain our communities and industry will increase before it decreases. The WA Government has made this fact plain. 

Blocking the extension would fail to reduce global emissions, while undermining the future of WA and the Karratha community. Common sense must be applied in the decision making on this important issue. 


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