CCIWA announces Nicki Ivory as Vice President of Board

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA) is pleased to confirm the appointment of Nicki Ivory as Vice President of its Board. The appointment means that, for the first time in CCIWA’s more than 130-year history, the two most senior office-bearers are both women.

Nicki Ivory has stepped into the position following three years on the CCIWA Board. Nicki brings more than 20 years of corporate experience and leadership in Australia and abroad. As a Partner leading Deloitte’s Financial Advisory business in Western Australia and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, she brings significant expertise in business strategy, corporate finance and capital markets to the role

Board President Nicolle Jenkins welcomed the appointment, commending Ms Ivory’s insight and counsel.

“Nicki’s contribution to CCIWA’s efforts during COVID-19 has been formative, and she will bring great vision to the role of Vice President. Her keen strategic eye and financial insights have been critical to our decisions. Her leadership will add further clout to CCIWA’s efforts to pursue better conditions to grow businesses, continuously raise living standards and cement WA’s economic recovery.”

Ms Ivory said she was honoured by the appointment and deeply connected to the purpose of the organisation.

“The pandemic has caused significant economic disruption to WA businesses, and CCIWA has been a fundamental source of counsel, expertise and reassurance to them. I’m thrilled to be part of a peak organisation offering a strong public voice for their experiences, critical insights into the economy, and which provides such important leadership in determining options for genuine economic reform.”

Ms Jenkins and CCIWA thanked and celebrated outgoing Vice President Marcus Stafford for his contribution and long service.

CCIWA also welcomed the appointment of Mark Abbotsford to the Board. Mr Abbotsford is Vice President Marketing, Trading and Shipping at Woodside, with previous roles at BHP Iron Ore and WA Treasury

A number of new appointments have also been recently made to CCIWA’s General Council, the organisation’s key policy advisory body. These include:

  • David Carter, CEO, Austral Fisheries
  • Sharna Collard, Director, Noongar Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Liz Dallimore, CEO, Argenica
  • Barry Fitzgerald, Director, Roy Hill
  • Patrick Gregg, CEO, Austal
  • David Greig, Chief Development Officer, MACA
  • Kathryn Horlin, Program Manager – Pathway to Net Zero, BHP
  • Gary McGrath, General Manager, Commercial Banking WA, CBA
  • Noelene Murray, CEO, Perdaman
  • Mussaret Nagree, General Manager, Climate Opportunities & Advanced Analytics, Wesfarmers Chemicals Energy & Fertilisers
  • Lynley Papineau, CEO, Aquatic Leisure Technologies
  • Brianna Peake, Chief External Relations Officer, CBH
  • Shelley Robertson, Executive General Manager – Energy, Mineral Resources
  • Astrid Serventy, Senior Manager Government & Stakeholder Relations, FMG
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