Deep reaching reform to fuel recovery from economic crisis

Chris Rodwell


Tuesday, 8 September 2020 

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA) has today released detailed recommendations to the State Government to drive WA’s recovery from the present economic crisis. 

The 2020-21 CCIWA Pre-Budget Submission includes nearly 40 recommendations focused on fostering greater business investment and innovation, lowering costs for business, improving regulation, strengthening skills and positioning WA to re-enter global trade and investment markets. 

If WA businesses are more competitive, we can build a more diverse and dynamic economy that provides all the social, cultural, environmental and economic opportunities we want for current and future generations of Western Australians. 

The Federal and State Governments have delivered important measures to shield businesses and livelihoods during the ‘survival’ phase of COVID-19, most notably the $101 billion JobKeeper scheme. Now businesses are rightly looking ahead, and will need the most conducive environment possible to enable them to grow, invest and create — not just restore — well-paying Western Australian jobs.

CCIWA urges the State Government to embrace major reform to build the strongest possible Western Australian economy. Every recommendation in our Pre-Budget Submission offers better tools to craft the conditions WA businesses need to prosper again. 

The CCIWA 2020-21 Pre Budget Submission and PBS Priorities Overview can be found here.

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