Small businesses must be supported through lockdown period

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA) acknowledges the WA Government’s decision to impose a three-day lockdown for the Perth and Peel region. The new restrictions on the economy are supported to protect people’s health and to avoid longer term economic consequences related to a protracted shutdown.

It is important that all members of the community follow the health authorities’ advice at all times, to help ensure these restrictions on the economy can end as soon as possible.

At the same time, it is important to recognise that lockdowns inflict very acute damage on local businesses.

The compensation offered following the lockdown in February was insufficient to compensate these businesses, and we call on the State Government to ensure appropriate compensation is provided. It is unfair that these small business owners must bear the financial costs of lockdowns on behalf of society.

It is vitally important, especially in these times of uncertainty, that all sections of the business community receive equal access to information from the State Government. In this context, it is noted that the most heavily impacted sectors of the economy are small businesses, particularly in the retail, hospitality and events-related sectors.

Media contact:

Simon Bailey               0400 248 880

Casey Cahill                0413 992 195


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