State Government investment attraction fund welcomed

CCIWA Chief Economist

Aaron Morey

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA) welcomes the State Government’s announcement that it will introduce a $100 million Investment Attraction Fund. The fund will play an important role in helping to attract the critical overseas investment needed to grow and diversify WA’s economy.

The fund will only be fully effective if it is complemented by a much stronger ‘ground game’ for WA overseas, as well as a comprehensive and consolidated resource for investors looking to invest in WA. The latter should take the form of an ‘Investment Portfolio Deal Book’ which would support overseas trade offices, and Ministers on investment tours, to answer the question: “what can I invest in?”

In terms of an overseas presence, Western Australia still does not have a trade and investment office in the United States – our largest investment partner. CCIWA considers Austin would be an ideal location, with its proximity to both the resources sector, and emerging tech industries.

Nonetheless, today’s announcement is a welcome one and a positive step forward. CCIWA looks forward to continuing to work with the Government to make WA the best place to live, do business, and invest.

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