Detective praises CCI’s armed hold-up training

WorkSafe has warned workplaces to ensure their procedures to deal with armed hold ups and aggressive behaviour are up to scratch after a spate of armed holdups recently.

CCI was engaged by a retail business recently to conduct cash handling and armed hold up training. The business then experienced an armed hold up.

The detective investigating the case contacted the CCI staff member who conducted the training and commented on how well the victim behaved in the traumatic situation and praised the content and delivery of the training.

Businesses likely to be a target include those with extended opening hours such as service stations, pharmacies, bottle shops and takeaway food outlets.

Other risk factors include small premises, isolated location, minimal staff and poor external lighting.

With offenders often being affected by drugs or alcohol and armed, there is the strong potential for injury – both physical and psychological – of the employee.

Under duty of care obligations for employees, employers should have adequate armed hold up procedures that set out the responsibilities of everyone in the workplace.

These procedures should be written in consultation with staff and staff must be trained so they are equipped with the knowledge of appropriate action if faced with an armed hold up.

In additional to strong procedures and training, the employer must consider other ways to mitigate the risk by addressing issues with shop layout, security systems, cash handling procedures, internal and external lighting and staffing levels.

For help with armed hold up procedures and training, contact [email protected] or call 9365 7415.

► Want to brush up on your safety knowledge? Book a spot in CCI’s upcoming Safety Representatives Refresher course today.

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