New $6000 incentive to take on a displaced apprentice

The WA Government is offering up to $6000 to employers to take on a displaced apprentice or trainee during the COVID-19 recovery.

Employers can access a one-off payment of $6000 for hiring an apprentice and $3000 for hiring a trainee whose training contract was terminated on, or after, March 1, 2020.

The payment is available until June 30, 2021, via the Department of Training and Workforce Development.

Apprenticeship Support Australia Manager Lena Constantine welcomed the extra funding.

“It’s essential businesses keep developing their skilled workforce for the future so that they’re ready for recovery and growth,” she said.

“This payment is a welcome incentive to keep on track to that longer-term plan.”

ASA have access to over 1000 WA apprentices and trainees who have had their contract terminated since March 1, 2020.

Constantine says the ASA team can help business recruit the right person for their business from the State’s cohort of recently-displaced apprentices and trainees at no extra cost.

One of the State’s largest employers apprentices and trainees, Programmed Training Services, also welcomed the news.

Executive General Manager Mark Burns says the company “remains focused on doing everything that we can to ensure that displaced apprentices and trainees are re-settled into their learning and career pathways”.

“Whilst these pathways may look a little different today, it is critically important that we continue to develop the skills base and the future capability of the State,” he said.

Premier Mark McGowan says having a pipeline of skilled workers is critical to the success of the State’s recovery post-COVID-19.

“We know that many apprentices and trainees have been doing it tough during this period, and as we continue the recovery process, we want to get them back into our workshops and back to work,” he said.

The financial boost for businesses follows the recent announcement by the State Government to cover the training costs for more than 3,000 displaced apprentices and trainees to continue their ‘off the job’ training for up to six months.

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