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Lessons learnt: Digitally transforming Rio Tinto Iron Ore’s business

With 17 mine sites in the Pilbara, Rio Tinto Iron Ore claims to be the “largest integrated mine in the world” and digitising the business has been a complex process. 

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SME grants on offer for securing government and private contracts

Grants up to $50,000 to support small to medium businesses to bid for government and private sector contracts have been announced by the State Government.

Mandatory registration for building engineers coming

A registration scheme for building engineers, developed by the WA Government, aims to improve building compliance, reduce rectification costs and increase public confidence in the industry....

Woodside launches carbon capture and storage studies with Japan

Woodside Energy will explore carbon capture and storage (CCS) value chains between Australia and Japan after signing two memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with four companies.  

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Rewiring the Nation deal adds $3b to WA’s energy transition

Western Australia’s renewable energy transition has been given a major boost with the signing of the landmark Rewiring the Nation deal, which will invest $3 billion in modernising the State’s energy g...

Project aims to build WA’s green workforce to be ‘global leader’

Vikas Rambal believes Perdaman’s hydrogen ammonia plant in the Pilbara will be a driving force in developing WA’s green energy expertise.

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Strong prospects for green steel manufacturing

The potential for WA to emerge as a hub for green steel manufacturing is substantial, but it requires significant capital investment.

Does your business import modern slavery risk?

Businesses that import electronics, fish, solar panels, garments and textiles are most at-risk of contributing to modern slavery through their supply chains.

Wheatbelt attracts mineral exploration activity

Explorers are rushing to the Wheatbelt region in the hope they can replicate the success of ASX-listed Chalice Mining or at least get a slice of the region’s mining potential.

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Streamlining ESG reporting for small to medium businesses

ESG Metrix is a tool developed by ESG and industry specialists that empowers SMEs to streamline their ESG reporting process and gain access to expert support.

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Local businesses share $1b in mine construction contracts

Construction of the Western Range iron ore mine in the Pilbara has led to several WA businesses sharing in $1 billion worth of contracts.

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Rail expansion to accommodate growing grain harvests

The most significant enhancement to WA's grain supply chain infrastructure in more than a decade began earlier this year, with construction to expand the railway sidings at the CBH Group’s Brookton an...

WA to benefit from Fortescue’s US$6.2b decarbonisation plan

Fortescue Metals Group’s ambitious plan to eliminate fossil fuel use and reach “real zero” terrestrial emissions across its iron ore operations by 2030 will help make WA a global green powerhouse, the...

WA-East Asian ‘green corridor’ shows promise to decarbonise shipping

Ammonia-powered ships could be deployed on iron ore trade routes along a ‘green corridor’ between Western Australia and East Asia by 2028, a study finds.