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WA drops to second for mining investment appeal

WA has lost its reign as the most attractive mining region globally for investment.

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Western Australian investment opportunities go global

Opportunities for businesses to grow and innovate have gone global with the launch to the WA Investments website.

Plan revealed for WA industry to leverage from AUKUS submarine deal

The vital role Western Australian industry can play in the AUKUS nuclear-powered submarine deal is outlined in the Australian Defence Force’s Optimal Pathway.

Supply chains must quickly adapt, as climate change impact is felt

Climate change poses a substantial threat to the long-term stability and continuity of supply chains, according to ECU Associate Professor Flavio Macau.

Solar farm installer on the rise

Solar farm mechanical installer Pilecom is on the rise with several big projects across Australia.

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Digital thinking is boosting business in Western Australia

Digital strategy, digital transformation and the digital economy continue to dominate the frameworks of small business leaders searching for a competitive edge that will take them to the next level.

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No-bid letters: How deciding not to tender can actually help you win

One of the first things an organisation should do to improve its tendering outcomes is to implement a structured and rational bid/no-bid decision-making process, writes Bidwrite.

Ashburton iron ore plans laid bare

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EPA gives green light to Synergy wind farm

The Environmental Protection Authority has declined to formally assess a proposed $300 million, 150-megawatt wind farm at Kings Rocks.

Rio renews deal with Wright descendants 

Some 50 years after an agreement was first signed, Rio Tinto and descendants of late prospector Peter Wright will revisit their joint venture for the Rhodes Ridge iron orebody.

Abra mine on verge of completion

Construction progress at the Abra base metals mine reached 87 per cent complete at September 30 and is on track for first concentrate production in Q1 2023.

Hydrogen the hope for Oakajee’s future

With plans for a port and rail project on hold, the State Government is instead looking at turning Oakajee into an industrial hydrogen precinct.

Mount Peake hit by cost blowout

The Mount Peake vanadium-titanium-iron project is no closer to a final investment decision after owner TNG revealed there would be a significant but uncertain increase in costs.

New funding focused on battery minerals 

Battery metals dominate the latest round of the State Government’s EIS co-funded drilling program.