Business Integrity Starter Kit

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Business Integrity Starter Kit

Businesses and customers are shifting towards a culture of transparency and accountability. The policies contained in the Business Integrity Starter Kit are designed to show your organisation’s commitment to these values and cultivate trust among your customers and employees.

If you’re setting up a business or require assistance in updating your business integrity policies, our starter kit can assist in this process. It contains:

  1. Whistleblowing Policy;
  2. Conflict of Interest Policy;
  3. Gifts and Benefits Policy; and
  4. Privacy Policy.

The Whistleblowing Policy demonstrates a commitment to transparency by providing a framework on how your business will handle a whistleblower report from beginning to end. The steps are clearly outlined and easy to follow.

The Conflict of Interest Policy establishes clear guidelines and procedures for identifying, disclosing and managing conflicts of interest for employees and directors.

The Gifts and Benefits Policy drafted by our Commercial Legal team details clear principles on accepting and declining gifts and other benefits, which can assist your employees in making informed decisions and minimise the risk of perceived bias. The policy also provides a mechanism for effective recordkeeping of gifts.

The Privacy Policy clearly communicates to your customers and business partners how your business handles their personal information. It can act as a guide for your business on the best practices in handling personal information.

Specifically focused on business integrity, this kit will equip your business with the tools to foster and maintain an ethical culture within business operations. If you require bespoke policies, please contact the Commercial Legal team.

SKU: PUB00200. Category: Tags: ,
ex GST
CCIWA Member Price
ex GST
Non-Member Price

$3,000.00 ex GST